Linux ssh command line cheat sheet

用阿里的99计划租了台服务器练手,没有安装面板。让ChatGPT弄了个命令行的cheat sheet,转载如下(尚未测试):

Here’s a concise Linux SSH Command Line Cheat Sheet to get you started:

Basic SSH Commands

1.	Connect to a server:

ssh username@hostname_or_IP


ssh user@

2.	Copy files from local to server:

scp local_file_path username@hostname_or_IP:/remote/path


scp file.txt user@

3.	Copy files from server to local:

scp username@hostname_or_IP:/remote/path local_file_path


scp user@ .

4.	Exit SSH session:


File Management

1.	List files and directories:

ls -l # Detailed list
ls -a # Include hidden files

2.	Navigate directories:

cd /path/to/directory
cd .. # Go up one level
cd ~ # Go to home directory

3.	Create a file:

touch filename

4.	View file content:

cat filename
less filename # Scroll through the file

5.	Create a directory:

mkdir directory_name

6.	Delete a file or directory:

rm filename
rm -r directory_name # Recursively delete a directory


1.	Change file permissions:

chmod 755 filename

2.	Change file owner:

chown new_owner filename

Process and System Management

1.	Check disk usage:

df -h

2.	Check memory usage:

free -h

3.	View running processes:

ps aux

4.	Kill a process:

kill PID

Replace PID with the Process ID from ps aux.

5.	Reboot server:

sudo reboot


1.	Check network connection:

ping hostname_or_IP

2.	Check active network connections:

netstat -tuln

Package Management (CentOS – yum or dnf)

1.	Install a package:

sudo yum install package_name

2.	Update all packages:

sudo yum update

3.	Search for a package:

yum search package_name

4.	Remove a package:

sudo yum remove package_name

Helpful Commands

1.	Show current directory:


2.	Check system info:

uname -a

3.	Check free disk space:

du -sh /path

4.	Check uptime:


5.	Search for a file:

find / -name "filename"


•	Use Tab for autocompletion of commands and filenames.
•	Use Ctrl+C to cancel a running command.
•	Use Ctrl+R to search your command history.